Viimeinen kutsu Nitro Nationals 2019! Final Call for Nitro Nationals 2019!
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä normaalihintaisena on perjantaina 21.6.2019. Tämän jälkeen astuu jälki-ilmoittautumisaika ja kilpailuilmoittautuminen päättyy kokonaan 28.6.2019.
Ilmoittautuminen: http://www.dragracing.eu/index.asp
Last date to enter the race in regular prize is on 21st of June. After that the late-entry fee is applied. The race entry closes permanatly on 28th of June.
Race entry: http://www.dragracing.eu/index.asp
Welcome racers to Kauhavas new track!
4.-7.7.2019 FHRA European Championship Nitro Nationals round 3 & Finnish Championship round 4
Loppusuora 22 (Sotakouluntie), 62200 Kauhava, Finland
In July, FHRA Nitro Nationals fills Kauhava’s new drag racing track, both for the eager drag racing fans and the raceteams.
Finland’s fastest motorsports event in Kauhava on the new track will be a fierce battle in Drag Racing’s EM Series 3rd event and 4th in the SM!
International and finnish teams and drivers take part in fast and powerfull race during the weekend. The racecars and bikes are not only seen on track, but also at the pitarea, as our pit is open for visitors.
LSK Business Park Oy and FHRA have signed a long-term cooperation agreement on the Kauhava Drag Racing arena and there is a promising framework for drag racing for the coming years!
Kauhava offers a wonderful setting for holidaying and doing things for the whole family on the track and in the surroundings. The track is easily accessible by train as well as by car. All Kauhava city services are close to Kauhava’s upcoming drag racing arena. The PowerPark with all its entertainment is only 24 km away.
At the FHRA Nitro Nationals event at Kauhava on Saturday and Sunday, the Crazy Drivers Stunt Show is responsible for past time entertainment and Monster public transport!
Thu 4.7. klo. 9-18
Fri 5.7. Klo. 9-18
Sat 6.7. klo 9-18
Sun 7.7. klo. 10-17
Race enter for competitors: http://www.dragracing.eu/index.asp
Pitmarshal tel. +358 400 242 892 fhravarikko@gmail.com
The campsite is run through the LentoHotelli and there is electricity in the campsite.
Sauna is also available on all days of the event.
There are also other shower areas in the area.
Inquiries from the airline regarding saunas, showers and lodging.
+358 50-4637515
Parking fee: in advance 8€, at the gate 10€
FHRA members, free parking
Nitro Nationals 2019 ticket prices:
Thu 20 €/day, fri 30 €/day, Sat 50 €/day, sun 40 €/day ja full-time ticket 70 €, kids under 12 years free of charge with an adult
A-seat ticket Fri 10€/day, Sat 30€/day and Sun 20€/day
B- seat ticket Fri free of charge, Sat 15 €/day and Sun 10 €/day
parking fee 10 € (FHRA members, free parking)
Tickets in advance with cheaper Early Bird-prices -20% at Tiketti!
Early Bird tickets -20% sales ends 27th of June, after that tickets will be sold with normal prices during the event and at Tiketti. Prices include Tiketti service fees and 10% VAT.
Tickets in advance are sold at Tiketti!
You can buy tickets also in English. Tiketti deliveres tickets within EU.
To minimize queues please take cash with you or buy tickets in advance at Tiketti!
The internet connections may be bad at times during the event, so Visa Electron cards may not work. Please make sure that you have some cash money.
Dear Customer! Please note that this event is held weather permitting. It is not safe to continue the race during rain. FHRA will exhaust all possible options to complete the event and reserves the right to change the race schedule at any time.
All sales are final, we do not refund any tickets. We are not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. We are not responsible of any personal injury or property damages happened in the venue. Your participation in this racing event and all related activities as a spectator is at your own risk.
FHRA Race Radio is on the air on 92,3 MHz
The race will be live at FHRA Livestream-channel: https://livestream.com/fhra
Dear media representative! You can accredit your media with this form. You can choose all events at once, if needed! Welcome to our events!
Portable toilets avalable for rent at Nitro Nationals 2019
Teams can rent portable toilets for their own pit-area for 150€/unit. When ordering, please let us know your billing address, team name and startnumber. Orders only by with this form. Thanks you! CLICK HERE!